We had the "boys from the black top" in this week to resurface the driveway to the warehouse.
Picture #1 shows how the boys work on the 175 degree centigrade (350 degrees fahrenheit) HOT asphalt. They walk with their boots jammed between two blocks of wood on a piece of plywood!
Our Slipp-R safety overshoe has been tested by Intertek Testing in the USA to withstand these elevated levels of temperature. Intertek used their Firemans' Standard, not just for the heat resistance but also for the tear and cut resistance.
So, I decided to jump on the HOT tar and take the Slipp-R through its paces. (That's me in the middle of the two lads. The boys were a bit concerned but, as you can see in picture #2, things worked out really well. I stayed on the HOT tar for as long as the job took and felt no discomfort or danger. The crew was mighty impressed.
Picture #3 shows how well the Slipp-R performed. There was no damage to the rubber material and very little stuck to the soles.
This little experiment reminds me of the time I put my foot under a fork lift truck. Picture #4.
Slipp-R - the safety overshoe that works, in so many places.