A review of relevant internet sites affords much good advice on safety around the home and garden but many neglect to mention the wisdom of safetytoe protection. Where suggestions on toe protection do appear, safety boots are recommended. This is great advice but how likely are readers to heed it?
The safety boot is expensive. It has a guarantee period of around 90 days. You can’t easily share a boot with a stranger. Often, it comes with features we don’t always need - like protection from electrical shock.
When compared to a number of safetytoe products available from industrial safety catalogues the safety boot is kicked out of the game. For the price of a single pair of safety boots, two or three pairs of safetytoes can be bought, giving toe protection for all the family.
Safetytoes are the direct descendants of the rubber galosh of bygone days. Within the past 30 years rubber galoshes were commonplace around the home. Always made of rubber, they protected our “good shoes” against rain, snow and salt.
Today there are a few safetytoe products available to gardeners and DIY types. For slip protection, those made of a rubber-based material are recommended. The steel toes in all these products are rated for the same level of toe impact - so style, fit and ease of use are important factors. Some have varying degrees of protection from acid, oil and animal fats, which can be important features in certain kitchen and workshop/garage situations.
Check them out. Safetytoes now make it easier than ever to return to better protection for our feet as well as keeping our “shoes good”. Some of the new safetytoes are an inexpensive way to protect something way more valuable than a pair of “good shoes”.